School of Health and Paramedical Sciences started its activities first unofficially as an institute in 1989 by admission of 30 students in Anesthesia and Operating Room Technology (Associate Degree) and later, Medical Laboratory Sciences (Associate degree) in Nursing School. The mentioned fields of study were separated from this School and started their activities officially in Institute of Paramedical Sciences in 1995. The Institute promoted to School of Paramedical Sciences in 2008.
Fields of Study at School of Paramedical Sciences
Associate Degree
Pre-hospital Emergency Care
Bachelor of Science
Anesthesia (Continuous)
Medical Laboratory Sciences (Continuous)
Operating Room Technology (Continuous and Non-Continuous)
Pre-hospital Emergency Care (Non-Continuous)
Master of Science
Medical Biotechnology
The Institute of Paramedical Sciences began its formal activity in 1995, and it has become a School since 2008 by admission of students in Medical Laboratory Sciences, Anesthesia, Operating Room Technology (Continuous and Non-continuous Bachelor of Science) and Pre-hospital Emergency Care (Associate Degree). Moreover, this School has admitted students in Medical Biotechnology (Master of Science) since 2010.
Every September, this School admits about 25-30 students in each fields of study including Medical Laboratory Sciences, Anesthesia, Operating Room Technology (Continuous Bachelor of Science), and 6 students in Medical Biotechnology (Master of Science). Moreover, about 25-30 students as well as 15 students are admitted to Pre-hospital Emergency Care (Semi-Centralized Associate Degree) and Non-continuous Bachelor of Science of Pre-hospital Emergency Care (established in 2016), respectively.
Currently, this School has 455 students, 9 classes with educational facilities, 4 hematology and biotechnology laboratories, a computer site, a library (including 15,000 books in Latin and Persian, theses and EBOOKs), and a clinical skills center. In addition, 2 professors, 6 assistant professors, 7 lecturers and 4 education instructors are engaged in this School.
The Vice-Dean’s Office for Research Affairs of the School of Paramedical Sciences is a subset of the research of the University that offers its activities in the form of student research projects, faculty members, and presentations of faculty members’ books to Vice-Chancellor for Research Affairs in order to be evaluated. It also organizes workshops for students.
The EDO Unit was established at this School in May 2004 with the aim of improving the quality of education as well as educational abilities of educators and research in education due to the announcement of the Education Department of Ministry of Health and Medical Education at the end of 2003 which was related to establishing the EDO unit in this School.
The Vice-Dean’s Office for Cultural Affairs of the School has been formed in order to create the appropriate cultural space as well as to manage and plan for the expansion and deepening of thought and culture among students, taking into account Islamic values and genuine cultural support. Furthermore, it tries to obtain considerable results of holding cultural programs based on true participation of students.
School of Paramedical Sciences is committed to train professionals through the promotion and development of knowledge as well as providing innovation in educational programs and research in order to be able to share knowledge and creativity by responding to the needs of community health and the scientific development of the Country.
Goals and objectives:
1. Training skilled human resources in majors including Pre-hospital Emergency Care, Medical Laboratory Sciences, Operating Room Technology, Medical Biotechnology and Anesthesia
2. Promoting the culture of conducting research in the field of science
3. Appraisal of performance and service results
4. Professional development and representation of faculty members
5. Developing the ability, competence, skills and satisfaction of students from the services of the School
6. Promoting research and production of knowledge and innovation
7. Promoting educational programs as well as innovation and creativity in educational programs
8. Increasing participation, cooperation and communication with other organizations and stakeholders
9. Increasing resources, facilities and equipment
Admission of Students from the Date of Establishment
Master of Science
Non-Continuous Bachelor of Science
Continuous Bachelor of Science
Associate Degree (Tuition Fee-Based System)
Associate Degree
Fields of Study
Operating Room Technology
Medical Laboratory Sciences
Pre-hospital Emergency Care
Medical Biotechnology